Saturday, May 19, 2007

3 Stooges

The first time I was stationed in S. Korea was in 1985 I was at Camp Pagee assigned to WSDK. One time me (Pvt. Noble) Minde (Pvt. Minde) and Ferguson (Spc. Ferguson) decided we wanted to see the sites so that Friday night when we left post we went left (the GI clubs were straight and i never did go right) after walking a mile or so we seen an outside bar so we decided to sit a drink a spell. The owner of the bar came over and began to talk to us (Korean) and we found out when he served in the Korean Army he topped out at CSM we talked for about an hour and he showed us all his pictures and then left. On the way back we seen another solider we knew and started talking (we were very drunk) as we talked we heard giggling above us when we looked there were 3 girls looking at us so (being solders) we sprinted up stairs to see the girls. They were waitresses for a quiet restaurant (we were not) and they happened to be watching Rambo 3 (in Korean) we huahd and yelled for about 5 minutes before being asked to leave. Back on the road we seen another and started talking (this is why drinking is bad) and for some reason I had the ideal to take off (running that is) up the hill about 3 minutes later and after many turns and twists i found myself completely lost. I walked around for a while and seen a cab with a girl about 15 trying to get her drunk dad out of the car and to the house so i decided to help all the while he cursed at me in Korean. After helping i tryed to find my way out for about another hour or so. When i found a cab I asked him for directions to Camp Pagee and he pointed down so i went back down to the GI Clubs and found my friends.

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